Our workshops are structured around the local authority’s particular needs; they include a mix of presentations, question and answer sessions, discussions and group exercises.
Workshops include:
• an introduction to planning: to equip elected members with an understanding of the practicalities of delivering a planning service:
• planning at a local level but within the national context
• considerations that shape planning decisions
• the Duty to Cooperate and members’ role in that process
• the role of councillors in planning: to provide elected members with a forum to examine their role in the planning process and the skills needed to be effective
• probity and planning: to provide elected members with a sound understanding of probity issues, in the context of the Localism Act:
• current codes of conduct, their relevance, purpose, value and implications
• the distinction between predisposition and predetermination
• planning protocols and codes of conduct
• effective Local Plans: to ensure that elected members understand spatial planning; the Local Plan’s importance in delivering aspirations for the local community; and the benefits of their involvement in the process. The workshop covers all aspects of plan making in the context of the wider policy environment.
• climate change and sustainability: to provide:
• an update on current government policy, and its implications at local level
• inspiring examples of masterplanning and best practice in the design of particular building types, such as housing, work spaces or tall buildings